Dieter Fischer

Dr. phil., Special educator, lecturer in special education ...

In his many publications, lectures and during various personal conversations over the years I got to know him as someone who questioned pattern breaks and are never satisfied. Each exchange with him leads to intensive reflection on their own actions. Rarely are there simple methodological advice to a problem. Rather, it is always about the "green behind the green" (FISCHER)

In particular, two of its many publications are for me always anew a source of own reflection, of questioning and the revaluation of particularly "challenging behavior":

  • "At the site of trouble living in assisted care centers, schools, family and home" (Edition Bentheim Würzburg, 1997)
  • "Special Education - a promise" (Edition Bentheim Würzburg, 2009)

"Whoever promises something another, recognize him not only as an opposite and thus as an instance, but expects him as with its His own. Not the change, not even the relief is the top priority, but its existence in esteeming relationship and on an equal footing . In the act of promising I judge him, lifting him out and not let him there, where he is just "(Source:" Special Education - a promise, ", page 60)