Cause and effect? - Consequences

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So what does this mean in practice?

Behavioral disorders, behavioral disorders, behavioral problems, "challenging behavior" challenge us!

It can have many causes. Most of my experience is by a combination of different causes before. Drugs for "treatment" of behavioral problems are used or demonized too fast. Too fast for. Ex. Overlooked physical causes or not factored. Hypotheses are formed and acted too quickly.

Due to the complexity, it is important to look for those one and the environmental problematic behavior from various angles to sit together - families, doctors, therapists, educators, etc. - and TOGETHER creation and setup working hypotheses and then derive the appropriate consequences. Diseases are excluded (or treated), the living and learning history is also to be regarded as the environment and the existing structures, in which man lives. In order to provide a development-oriented approach ensure the methodology is on the respective individual stage of development - especially in the area of ​​socio-emotional development, agreed.

In particular, the combination of several problems in the personality development, so for example, the existence of a language delay, an autism spectrum disorder, an additional attention deficit disorder with cognitive impairment, known as behavioral problems can have a variety of reasons, which mutually dependent and / or strengthen.

This "interdisciplinary" approach remains in practice unfortunately still all too often on the route. But be at the "stakeholders" to meet, we owe him this multidimensional view.

As an educator, my main focus is the support of children and youth in the field of non-medical causes.You can find my access to it here: find ways